Share your mathematical ideas with others!
Have fun and play some games with other like-minded people!
Learn how mathematics can make engineer more robust and reliable!
Coffee and pulla to activate the brain before starting
Fabriikki, room F118
Tommi Sottinen Diving into the Fascinating Realms of the Heat Equation and Brownian Motion
Luca Ferranti The maths behind machine learning and artificial intelligence, what works and what doesn't and why.
Bernd Pape How to Secure the Car and Avoid the Goat in a TV Show
General interactive dicussion about the challenges students face in learning mathematics.
Restaurant August
Fabriikki, room F118
Foad Shokrollahi Unveiling the World of Discrete Markov Chains and Their Applications
Hendrik Wietsma Formulate & solve numerically some physically motivated phenomenon with differential equations.
Samuli Siltanen The magic of math: three-dimensional X-ray vision
Interactive discussion with coffee and snacks
Let's have some fun together playing some videogames on Fabriikki's second floor! With snacks and drinks for registered participants!